a ridicules political failure creating a laughter around the whole World ! If you can not solve such a small problem within 24 hours, how can you be trusted in the more serious world problems.
I am completely convinced that Mr. Chen Yonglin are welcome to peacefully settle in Sweden and get a permanent citizenship there. I suggest you to, in no time, contact Goran Person the Prime minister of Sweden and let him sort out this infected matter, immediately.
- Ture Sjolander. 23 jUNE 2005
Look at this people below, they are supposed to be professional politicians: The Prime minister Wen Jiabao of China, The Foreign minister Li Zhaoxing of China and the Chinese Ambassador Fu Ying, Canberra, Australia - and they can not solve a problem like this one within, not even a weeks time - I am stunned!
Let me handle this simple matter for you and everybody will ba happy with the outcome. -Ture Sjolander June 23, 2005.
Here is the solution:
Fu Ying Canberra
Wen Jiabao
Li Zhaoxing
Chen Yonglin
When will Wen Jiabao make China to the first Real and greatest Democracy in the World, a blueprint for the rest of the World ?
Just do it this Year and this whole World would be a much better place!
Go ahead !
- Ture Sjolander 2005
Wen Jiabao; Get yourself a new Ambassador look at all this publicity ! Mr Yonglin make a better than good ambassador!
This is what Mao would have been dreaming about, this is Step No 2 in his revolution, making China to the Worlds leading Democracy Year 2005. Don't be a hypocrite - China is a super capitalism already with approx. 80-100 million super rich, privileged citizens, so don't make a fool of yourself my dear Wen Jiabao ! We all know about it. China is a class society - so make it better than USA - and it is Time now to make it ! - Ture Sjolander June 26, 2005
I would enjoy to go to China in company of Chen Yonglin on invitation from Wen Jiabao
and make the first draft for the greatest Democracy in the World !